Catalina Hospice offers specialized medical care and emotional support to maintain the best quality of life leading up to and during this time of transition. Hospice care often includes pain and symptom management, understanding care options, and emotional support for patients and their loved ones.
Care is provided in the patient's home, nursing home, or Assisted Living Facility in the form of intermittent visits by the hospice team with 24-hour access to the on-call registered nurse.
Care is provided at an area hospital for symptom management that cannot be administered in a home setting. Hospice team members will make daily visits and direct the care that is being provided by the hospital staff.
For patients who do not wish to return to the hospital but require full-time symptom management, continuous bedside care is provided in the patient's home by the hospice team for a limited time.
Continuous bedside care is provided by the hospice team for up to five days when or if the primary caregiver is unavailable to provide care.